Wait Your Turn


Does this ever happen to you? You have a thought, but before you can act on that thought another thought bumps the first thought and gets in front of it, and you start focusing on the second thought. Then as you’re attending to that new thought, you remember something related and start thinking about what to do with that. And you realize -- wait a minute, wait a minute, what’s going on, and you pause to gather your thoughts. You notice the first thought wandering around and you start to bring it back to the front before another interruption can occur.
This happens to many of us from time to time. It happens to people who are not linear thinkers with frequency. People who are creative thinkers, divergent thinkers, those with ADHD often have so many thoughts vying for attention at the same time that it can be difficult to prioritize and focus on just one thing at a time.
Like right now, I’m writing this article, but ideas for another writing project keep intruding, as does an impulse to take my dog for a walk, and wondering if the mailman has delivered the mail yet.

One possible solution involves using a timer.

* Decide on something you want to/need to do.
* Determine how much time that task might require and how much time you’re willing to devote to it at a particular time. E.g. This afternoon at 3 p.m. for 30 minutes.
* Schedule that in your calendar (if it fits, of course).
* Gather everything you need plus a note pad, and clear things that might be distractions.
* Set the timer for 30 minutes and commit to it. Really.
* Write anything that pops into your head as a different “to do” on the pad so you’ll remember it later.
* At the end of the 30 minutes decide what’s next, continuing with what you were doing if you haven’t finished, or moving on to another task that now has a higher priority.

If you’re thinking, “Yeah, sure, that won’t work for me,” you may be right. It’s only a possible solution. Try it. Make adjustments. If it works make it a habit.

Wait, Wait, Just One More Thing


Ever get pulled into an online story and know you don’t have time to read it all? Or see an intriguing headline posted on your landing page or on some other page you’re visiting? Maybe you’re working on a project and if you can just do that “one more little thing” you can put it away for the day.

When this happens you get time blind. This happens to us non-linear or divergent thinkers all the time. When you get very focused on and involved in something, it’s as if time doesn’t feel like its passing. In fact, you may not be aware of time at all. The downside is that spending that time “right now” can make you late for something you’ve already committed to doing.

Those fifteen minutes you spend reading an article on line causes you to walk out the door to an appointment fifteen minutes later, or have to skip something important, like maybe your breakfast. Wouldn’t you like to find ways to make time boundaries work for you?

It is possible to save online articles and bring them with you so that when you’re sitting in the waiting room at the dentist’s office, or on your lunch break at work you could read then.

Two options that help you save web pages for later reading are “Readability” and “Pocket.” The Readability site boasts “Readability turns any web page into a clean view for reading now or later on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.” And at GetPocket.com you’ll find another version of the same option. The exact article is right there when you have the time to read it.
Now all you have to do it remember to bring your phone when you leave!

August is a vacation month for many. Are you someone who finds it challenging to keep up with your goals and habit during and after breaks? If so, it might be time for a coaching check in. Call for a coaching session if you feel your momentum flagging. Single check in’s only $25 for a half hour telephone session through August 31st.

“Getting Organized for Non-Linear Thinkers” -- six week classes are scheduled to begin again this fall.
Tuesdays –starting 9/8 from 7 to 9 p.m. through West Contra Costa Adult Ed
Mondays –starting 9/14 from 7 to 9 p.m. through Piedmont Adult Ed.

Check the school sites for registration information, and be sure to register early.

Three Wishes


Imagine that you're being give three wishes today. Would your wishes be about money, relationships, health...world peace? Would you want to be different in some way? Paul J. Meyer said, "Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass."

If you imagined your wishes you've already accomplished the first step. Now, do you believe that you can have, do, or be what you're wishing for? How much to you really, really want it?

If there was no genie and having your wishes come true depended on you taking action, are you ready to make the commitment to working towards what you wish for?

Are you really ready to have the outcomes you'd get from having your wishes fulfilled? Then let's make it happen.

My wish is that you'd consider coaching as a resource to help you define your goals, create plans of action and, with ongoing support, accomplish what's important to you. Contact me to talk about making your wishes come true.

Do you have, or think you have, attention deficit disorder? Here's what Eden Tosch says about coaching:

"I don't know anyone who doesn't struggle with attention deficit these days. How can we not with all the bells and buzzers, expectations and commitments that most of us are trying to fulfill? For me, a small business owner trying to do everything I want and need to do, modern life spins my head around.
The ever increasing stresses of life requires some new way to get grounded and supported. There are a 100,000 coaches of various sorts out there. But until I started working with Sydney I found that life was draining and disrupting my ability to be happy and cool headed. The simple activity of having a weekly call with Sydney has helped me do things that I would never have been able to do without her! She uniquely understands how to guide inspired and overwhelmed people to deal practically with their reality!"


/Find out how coaching can work for you. Call me at 510 223 3882. Phone and Skype sessions are available.

Planning Saves the Day

desk calendar

Can using a calendar change your life? You bet it can. How would you like to design your days, weeks, and months so you can focus on the people and things that are most important to you?

Chances are that you have tasks in commitments around work, home, family, friends, health, finances, community, maybe personal growth or creative expression are high priorities for you.

Here's how you design your week. Think about each of the areas. What do you want to or need to do in each of the areas this week or this month? Some things you will want to attend to daily, like job or kids, some things maybe weekly like paying bills, and other things further out like getting together with friends twice a month. It might be possible to combine areas such as taking an art class or exercise class with friends, or being on a team that plays ball weekly.

Some things will be recurring and you schedule those first. Then put in the other more flexible things thinking of them as appointments. Check your calendar every morning and evening to make any updates or other changes and you're on your way to be in charge of your time.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Do you find time management to be a challenge? Does it seem you often have “too much on your plate?” Planning your day, your week, and your month might be the answer that gives you a sense of control over your time and your life.

Perhaps a little voice in your head has said:
• “Planning takes too much time.”
• “Life is too unpredictable.”
• “I’m never sure how much time it takes to do something.”
Consider that every minute that you spend planning will save you four to ten times that amount of time in execution. So at the end of each day, look back over your calendar (you do keep one, right?) and see if anything was unfinished that needs to be moved ahead, or if there is some new task that needs to be scheduled. Update the calendar. Then, as you begin the day, review your calendar and see if any email, phone messages, texts, etc. have come in that will require a bit of calendar shifting. Do the same at the end and beginning of the week and the month.

As you work with your calendar be aware of your priorities, not just at work, but in the other parts of your life. Make sure your schedule has time booked for relationships with the people and things that are most important to you and help you live a meaningful life.

Homeopathic Approach for People with ADHD

Homeopathic medicine is holistic and effective and can restore balance and health to people with a wide range of conditions, including those with impulsivity, focus and attention issues, as with those who have ADD and ADHD. Most Americans mistakenly think the term "homeopathic" is a general term for all natural medicine, but that is not correct - it is its own system of medicine developed by a German doctor over 200 years ago, and is the second largest form of medicine in the world today.

For more general information about homeopathy, including informational videos and the latest in scientific and clinical research, spend some time on the National Center for Homeopathy's informative website. http://www.homeopathycenter.org/learn-about-homeopathy

In homeopathy, there is no one remedy for one condition, but typically a great many. The homeopathic remedies are ultra high dilutions of substances in nature. The symptoms which that substance can produce if taken too much or too often are the symptoms which the homeopathic remedy (ultra high dilution) can resolve.

Each remedy has a range of conditions, symptoms, and qualities associated with it which are complex and specific. For example qualities of pain differ for the same condition in the different remedies, such as speed of onset, sensation of pain, heat, location of pain, sensitivities, and emotional expression or lack thereof in health and imbalance.

For people who have ADHD there are very common symptoms such as impulsivity, restlessness, and distractability. There are hundreds of homeopathic remedies which can address these symptoms. Finding the one which will efficiently help an individual depends on other more specific qualities such as what happens when you are stressed out, how do you cope with it? The child who hits and lacks empathy needs a different remedy than the one who will be very anxious and develop a nervous habit under stress.

Likewise, there is a quality to restlessness which can be matched by different homeopathic remedies, moving the individual towards greater calm: there is totally impulsive and physical restlessness, there is rhythmic restlessness, nervous fidgeting, restless legs or whole bodies in bed at night, there is manic euphoria, and many other expressions. These all indicate a different homeopathic remedy.

Finally, homeopathic remedy selection is also based on they types of other symptoms and conditions a person has had in their lifetime, and also family health history.

The featured pictures of substances represent homeopathic remedies useful in resolving ADHD: Tarentula, Stramonium, and Sulphur.

So what does getting better look and feel like with homeopathy if you have ADHD?

First of all, if you are not taking other medications, then you probably begin by taking the remedy just once or twice, and then evaluating your response over about one month.

That is because the remedy acts as a trigger to your own healing response, which is very different than the conventional or even nutritional or herbal approach.

Depending on the health of the person, and sensitivity, you may or may not need to repeat the remedy more frequently.

The person should notice improved balance on the mental and emotional level first, or at the same time as any chronic physical symptoms - this is the "direction of cure" created by homeopathy (and your body!).

This often means less impulsivity, more ability to focus, less runaway or rushing thoughts if that was an issue, and even greater empathy.

How long does it take?

It very much depends on the individual. For kids who haven't had pharmaceuticals of any kind, the response time is often very short. For someone who has lived with these issues for decades and perhaps also had suppressive drugs, it can be a longer and more complex process.

Most of the kids in my practice have had tremendous benefit with several months of treatment. The good news is that with the right remedy, eventually the gains can be sustained without continuing the homeopathic remedy. This is how homeopathy works with the vital force of the individual to bring about greater health.

Kathleen Scheible, CCH
Bernal Homeopathy, San Francisco
415 647 7919 X2

To Buy or Not to Buy...A Very Good Question

Sale! This weekend only! Prices slashed! Best prices of the season! 20141125_152620
How can I possibly resist offers like these? Why look at those things. They're wonderful. What great boots. I love that lamp and mine is so old. A new phone with no contract, I'd better get that, my phone has a cracked screen. Oh yeah, and gifts for the family. My nephew is into....

And so it goes. The proverbial "bright, shiny objects" have led to a whirlwind of impulse buying. The credit card now has a really scary balance and the enjoyment of new things is tempered by the anxiety over paying for them.

Are there solutions? Absolutely.

Make a list of all the people you really must have a gift for.
Look at how much money you realistically can spend.
Decide how much you can spend for each person and if there's any left for yourself.
Think about what kinds of gifts fit your budget.
Consider things you can make yourself.

Go to stores and holiday fairs credit card in hand and ready to buy things that appeal to you.
Shop with friends who have way more money than you have and can spend freely.

And here's a tip, if you don't wait until the last minute you can start gathering things through the year and storing them so you have your own cache of gifts.

Still not sure you can manage. Find someone who will help you set limits and hold you accountable. Maybe a coach.

Ten Tips to Keep Up During the Holiday Season

The days are getting shorter as we approach winter, and you might feel like there's just not enough time in the day to get everything done; especially during the holiday season. Is it possible to keep up? Or even get ahead? Here are some tips.

1. Look at the dates of the big holidays you celebrate. What do you typically do for each of them. Think about how long the preparations have taken in past years and schedule start dates for the tasks.
2. Do you have to do everything yourself? Consider what you can delegate and let others take care of those things.
3. Are the items on your list tasks "must do" or just "it would be nice to do." Focus on the must do items.
4. How much time can you free up to do the things that are actually important? Is watching television or hanging out on Facebook really necessary?
5. Plan each day every morning. Think about what tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.
6. Learn to say no. It's okay to set limits.
7. Less is more. Think about what is enough and what might be more than necessary.
8. If things feel overwhelming just pick three things you will do that day and put your energy and time into doing them.
9. Give yourself credit for anything and everything you accomplish no matter how small.
10. Get plenty of rest no matter what.

Think of being the person who designs your life.

Need help? Contact me for a complimentary half hour phone coaching session before 11/30/14.

Group Coaching for People with ADHD and Other Non-Linear Thinkers

Have you considered ADHD coaching, but thought it’s too expensive? Or too inconvenient and time-consuming?

Here’s the solution—Group Coaching
• 6-weeks – the next session begins Tuesday evenings, October 21
• Each session = 90 min. sessions
• Group limited to 8-10 people
Total Fee: $150.00
Web special – 30 minute coaching session prior to the first session
Each group session will include discussion of a specific ADHD topic and explore strategies to manage the issue.
Contact me: Sydney Metrick to sign up
510 223 3882 Sydney@ArtfulCoaching.com www.ArtfulCoaching.com

And check out my new video series on YouTube
Addressing ADHD: A Whole Person Approach

Addressing ADHD: A Whole Person Approach--video series

• Are you someone who fears the clock? Does it seem like you don’t have enough time to do what needs doing?
• Is losing and forgetting and issue for you? How many times have you lost your keys? Cellphone? Umbrella? Mind?
• Are you terrible at delegating — whether to other people or to technology?
• Is procrastination an issue for you?
• When you do begin a task, are you likely to get sidetracked?
• Are you more likely to focus on your failures and overlooking your successes?
• Have you been criticized by others for your behaviors?
You may have Attention Deficit Disorder--ADHD. Coaching is one way to get the support you need to address your challenges. But there are others. Find out what other professionals have to offer in the Addressing ADHD video series on YouTube.



Synchronize Your Brain


Do you: have trouble prioritizing, show up late for appointments or miss them all together, find it hard to set boundaries, procrastinate, have to circle around work before starting? These issues and others are frequent challenges for those of us with ADHD.

Getting organized may be easier said than done. However, it is possible to make improvements in all of these areas. If you have attention deficit disorder it is a neurobiological condition. It's how your brain works (or doesn't).

So let's look at how to help your brain function optimally. That might include getting sufficient sleep. Develop a sleep/wake schedule and routine. Exercise is also good for your brain and your body. Your diet is how you feed both your body and your brain, so think about what you eat and what nutrients you're getting. Posture is important, too. Your brain and spinal cord are constantly communicating with the rest of your body. If you're out of alignment you have a road block in communications.

Stay tune for upcoming posts that will feature tips in all these areas and more!
Let me know some of your challenges so I can have my collaborative network of experts share ideas and advice.

But Wait...I'm Almost Done

Ever get pulled into an online story and know you don't have time to read it all? Or see an intriguing headline posted on your landing page or on some other page you're visiting? Or there's a link to something you feel you absolutely must read for whatever reason and you feel pulled to reading it right now.

This happens to us non-linear thinkers all the time. Right now feels like the time to attend to something that's interesting to us. The downside is that spending that time "right now" can make us late for something we'd already committed to doing.

That fifteen minutes you spend reading an article on line causes you to walk out the door to an appointment fifteen minutes later, or have to skip something else like maybe your breakfast. If only there was a way to save the article and bring it with you so that when you're sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's office, or on your lunch break at work you could read it then. Wouldn't that be a good solution?

Say yes.

This is about time management. As it happens, there are ways to do just that. Both "Readability" and "Pocket" help you save web pages for later reading. The Readability site boasts "Readabity turns any web page into a clean view for reading now or later on your computer, smartphone, or tablet." And at GetPocket.com you'll find another version of the same option. The exact article is right there when you have the time to read it.

Now all you have to do it remember to bring your phone when you leave! Happy reading.

Lessons not Mistakes

Mistakes will be made. We all make them. They may be due to carelessness, lack of understanding or information, or some other reason. Many mistakes can be corrected, all can be teachers. What I want to focus on are the mistakes of behaviors that those of us with attention deficit disorder often make and how we can reduce the kinds and numbers of mistakes in our lives.

We may frequently forget appointments, people's names, tasks we were to do; we may lose important things, get lost ourselves, procrastinate and miss a deadline. Maybe we say inappropriate things at inappropriate times, spend too much money on something because we didn't research the options, overdraw our checking account. Yep, we may make these and other mistakes, and we may make them with some regularity.

The key here is to use every mistake as a learning opportunity. What kind of reminder would help you remember an appointment? How might setting up online banking and checking your account daily help you know how much money you have? What if you set start dates for stages of a project as well as due dates? How might you be more successful if someone held you accountable for something you said you'd do?

This is what we do with coaching. You get to make mistakes. There's no blame, no fault-finding. We evaluate what occurred and come up with strategies you can gradually implement.
Mistakes will always be made, but improvements can also be made.

Struggle with Keeping Track of Payment Due Dates? These 3 Easy Fixes will Change all of That!

Is the thought of looking at your bills and getting on top of your business payments overwhelming? Have you neglected looking at your statements? Are you so behind on bills that you don't even know where to start? Or when you do finally start you get side-tracked and completely forget to tackle your upcoming or missed payments?
Don't worry. You're not alone. Hundreds, if not thousands, of creative entrepreneurs have a hard time getting a handle on this side of their business.
The money side. The paperwork side. The so-called structured, linear, organized side.
For some it's because it's hella boring and they'd rather be doing anything else. But for others, it's because they haven't found a flow, routine or ritual that helps them complete these tasks while still honoring their artsy, non-linear qualities.
If you happen to be one of these people, possibly working with ADHD, be kind to yourself. Being an entrepreneur is the best personal development crash course you'll ever put yourself through. And if you plan on being an entrepreneur for life, plan on being in this course until the cows come home.
But, in order to remain being an entrepreneur and continue doing what you love, you have to put effort into finding a flow to pay your expenses that works for you and your habits.
If you know that you have a hard time remembering due dates, schedule 20 minutes to calendar all of them in your phone. And if you really want to master this, set the due date one week ahead of schedule in your phone.
If you'd rather pull your hair out than regularly track your expenses to make sure you haven't overdrawn your account, take 5 minutes to log in to your bank account and set up daily text alerts with your daily balance and every time an expense hits your account.
I'm a true believer in the power of automation so that we don't have to rely on sheer will to get things done.
Most of us fail when we rely on willpower. And that's ok. Because the moment we realize our shortcomings and stop beating ourselves up about it, is when we can design an environment that supports our success.
And if keeping tabs on your expenses has been a difficult area for you to master, here are three steps that will set you up for life-long success.
1. Write a list of all of the expenses to run your business on a sheet of paper. I like to use bright colored markers to make it fun.
2. Next to each item, write the due date.
3. Take out your phone and type in the expense one week before the due date. Set it up so that it alerts you monthly.
Of course, it goes without saying that you have to take the step and pay the expense when the alert pops up on your phone. Or if you know you won't do that, set it up for automatic payment. Done and done.
Wishing you financial success and happiness,
Miss Danetha
Your BFF- Helping You Keep the Money You Worked Your Tail Off to Get.

Learn more about managing your finances from Danetha at her site: www.MissDanetha.com

Overwhelmed? Stick a Needle in it.

As an acupuncturist Marie Bowser gets to help people shift out of a state of stress and into a state of balance with acupuncture and herbs.

"This shift from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest” allows body systems to operate more efficiently, including brain function, focus and mood. Whether you have an ADHD diagnosis, or you just have a lot on your plate and feel overwhelmed, there are additional things that you can do ON YOUR OWN to further enhance focus and reduce stress."

"NOURISHMENT: When we forget to eat, blood sugar drops, cortisol levels rise and a stress response is triggered. One of the most important things that you can do to improve mental focus and calm the nervous system is to eat regular, nourishing meals. If remembering to eat is a problem for you, make sure you're setting a timer or electronic reminder."

"SLEEP: Sleeping gives the body an opportunity to integrate information and recover from stress. If you are struggling with following through on your vision and to-do list I highly suggest getting 8 hours of sleep and ideally falling asleep by 11 P.M. If you get too little sleep because of insomnia, this can be addressed with acupuncture and herbal medicine."

"MEDITATION: Meditation is my favorite prescription for reducing stress, re-setting the nervous system and creating focus. “Insight Meditation” and “Transcendental Meditation” are systems that do not require that you “control” your mind and might be easier to learn. Taichi, qigong, yoga and running also elicit a meditative state. My personal favorite meditation technique is knitting."

"Nourishment, Sleep and Meditation are just a handful of lifestyle shifts that I advise patients to incorporate in order to improve mental focus and mood. Certainly, having support from a coach or acupuncturist can help you to incorporate these things and make bigger shifts in your health and experience."

Find Marie Bowser, LAc, Dipl OM at Solano Avenue Acupuncture
1498 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA 94706

Does Diet Matter?

The connection between the gut and the brain

I've asked my colleague, Sara Russell to talk about why diet matters for people with learning differences. Here's what she says:

We have ten times more microbial cells living in our bodies than we have cells of our own. This means that 90% of the DNA in our bodies isn’t even ours. But before you rush out and buy antibacterial soap or call your doctor asking for antibiotics, keep in mind that we depend on probiotic microbes to stay alive and healthy. Their benefits are too numerous to list in this short article, but include digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, production of some vitamins, elimination of toxins, proper immune function, healthy energy and metabolism, as well as optimal memory and concentration.

The gut houses a very large percentage of our microbiota, and the complex connection between the gut and the brain is supported by the nervous system, which helps carry messages back and forth between the gut and the brain. Our gut microbiota, just like us, can be anywhere on the imaginary line that moves from perfect health to dreadful dysfunction. The more balanced the microbiota, the clearer and crisper the messages delivered from brain to gut and gut to brain, and the faster our cognitive processes. The more imbalanced our microbiota, the more disrupted the messages.

There are many dietary and lifestyle factors that can support or damage our microbiota. To make a long story short, processed foods, diets high in sugars and starches, antibiotics (in medications and in the food supply) and some other medications, and foods contaminated with the popular herbicide Roundup are devastating to the health of probiotic microorganisms and favor instead the proliferation of unhealthy microorganisms that can cause dysfunction and disease when out of balance. Many people with asthma, allergies, dyslexia, ADHD and autoimmune conditions have an unbalanced microbiota, and their symptoms often improve drastically through nutritional and lifestyle modifications that restore balance.

Sara Russell is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and certified GAPS Practitioner. Find her at www.yourprobiotickitchen.com