Why Change Your Mind?

You might change your mind with some frequency, but changing your mindset can change your life. A mindset consists of the beliefs and attitudes that lead to your successes or lack of. I’m talking about what you believe about your self—who you are, what you deserve, what you can or can’t do, have, or be.

We are what we think. Are the words of your thoughts keeping you in a cage or setting you free?

The stories you tell about yourself, or hear in your head, are just stories. “It’s too hard,” or “I don’t know how,” or “I never” are just some of the tales that prevent successes. The simple solution is watching out for negative language and switching it. For example, when I taught evening classes, I’d hear myself saying, “I have to teach tonight.” That made the thought of teaching feel like drudgery. Training myself to replace “have to” with “get to” made all the difference.

Watch out for the ways you may minimize yourself, others, and possibilities with language.

Every sentence that starts with “Don’t” – regardless of how encouraging you intend to be – is limiting. Probably because the brain frequently ignores negative words. So, when you tell yourself, or someone else, “Don’t give up!” the brain is most likely going to hear “Give up!” And what’s that going to do your confidence?! “You can do it,” and “keep going” are much more inspirational.

Changing language takes practice. Just keep at it, remember it is a process, you are getting better every day, and I’m certain you can do it!

-Sydney Metrick