Is paying attention working for you?
Does this ever happen to you? You have a great idea in the shower or while driving but completely forget about it before you can act on it. You put something in a place where you’re sure it will be safe and then forget where that place is. Despite putting it in your calendar, you forget an appointment or show up on the wrong date or time.
These things happen to everyone from time to time, but with greater frequency, if you happen to have attention deficit disorder. Regardless, there are ways to improve your results.
Depending on the situation, having a notepad and pen so you can jot down ideas as soon as possible is a good idea. When I was teaching, a thought would pop up while I was talking about something else and I’d quickly note it on a pad for later. You can also capture thoughts with your phone. (Obviously, neither of these will work while you’re actually in the shower. And, please, don’t write and drive.)
On more than one occasion I’ve put money in safe places that my memory refused to recall. Rather than continuing to lose money and other valuables, I have created three places that I use as various safe spots – and only those three places.
The calendar is your friend. Use if for planning and as your memory. This is an amazing memory tool – just as long as you check it with frequency. At the end of the week, take a look at the coming week to get your bearings. Things change constantly, so check every evening, every morning and even though out the day. Just because you looked at the calendar in the morning doesn’t mean you will remember you have a 4:30 p.m. appointment.
Here’s a bonus tip: Some of you may recall the 30-second rule. If it takes 30 seconds or less for a task, it makes sense to just do it. That could be washing your coffee cup, putting your shoes away, or checking your calendar!
-Sydney Metrick