
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? There’s just too much happening at once. You have bills to pay, appointments to make, places to go, organize your house and maybe your office, assignments due, people to take care of, and so on.

Or have you ever been in a restaurant full of people talking at other tables, and a musician singing loudly in the background?

What you might be experiencing is sensory overload. When I’m trying to write a newsletter, and someone is mowing their lawn nearby, and a large truck is rambling up the road, and my husband is trying to talk to me, and the phone is ringing, and my sweater itches…you get the picture—sensory overload.

Overwhelm and overload are both too much.

When overwhelmed, take control of your schedule by deciding what’s important and what can wait.

With overload, if you can cut out distractions – put the phone on silent, put on a comfy sweater – do. A pair of noise-canceling earphones can do wonders with overload.

Life happens, there’s no controlling that. It’s up to you to realize it’s normal and find solutions that work for you.

– Sydney Metrick