When Less is More

Or what does clutter cost you?

Last winter a friend here in Mexico flew back to the U.S. to help an ailing family member move from his home of many years to an assisted living facility. Over the course of three months, the two of them went through the ordeal of clearing shelves, closets, cupboards, and boxes.

Whether or not a move is in your future, waiting until the “last minute” to delve into what you’ve accumulated over the years creates overwhelm and stress.

Decide to decide.

Before you “decide to decide.”

Consider the Toss or Keep method: have I used this is the past year? Is it serving a specific purpose? Do I have a place to keep it where I can find it again? Any no’s – toss it. If this disappeared from your life tomorrow, how would it impact you?

To begin: the first practical step in clearing clutter is sorting. Do I use this, what category of item is it, etc. Identify and categorize things. Do what’s visible first so you see results. Group similar items into broad categories. If you know you want to keep an item but have no idea where it should go ask, “Who are its friends?”

Examples of friend groups:

  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, water glass
  • Sunglasses, keys, wallet or purse
  • Pen cup, tape, scissors, stapler
  • Foil, plastic wrap, sandwich bags
Post purge.

Once you have your groups, you then want to find realistic and memorable “homes” for them. This means deciding on places where you will put things away and remember where these places are.

What about all the things that are left? The second practical step is purging.

This means you get to give away, throw away, or donate unneeded items. Decide when you can and will do this and if you need help. It will be more difficult the longer you postpone doing this so…

-Sydney Metrick