Commitment or Over-Commitment?

Thinking about this month’s newsletter while standing in front of our stuffed closet looking for a jacket, the idea of over-commitment came to mind. While interesting things might cause overflowing closets, drawers, counters, and desks (just to name a few), interesting opportunities can lead to overcrowding your schedule.

How do you decide if something that’s interesting is necessary? And, if an opportunity or thing actually is necessary and you want to commit to doing it or having it, will there be room in your schedule or space in your home or office?

My colleague, Dana Arkinzadeh of DMA Organizing uses the principle of container as limiter. When you realize you only have a limited amount of time in a day and a limited amount of space in your home or office, you see the importance of setting limits based on what commitments you want to make for your calendar or physical space.

Here’s the thing, if you do not set limits or prioritize you can find yourself surrounded by things that mean nothing to you and no time for the activities and people that are important to you.

When faced with something you want or want to do, ask yourself:

Questions for things

  • Do you already have it?
  • If so, does it still function?
  • Do you have space for a new, similar thing?
  • Will you actually use it?

Questions for appointments

  • Do you have to go?
  • Do you want to go?
  • How much time can you allot?
  • Are you stealing time from something more important?

– Sydney Metrick