There is No “Right Time” Just Time and What You Do with It

“Congratulations, today is your day.” writes Dr. Seuss in the first line of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go.”

I know procrastinating can be so persuasive yet putting things off to a better time can result in: guilt, anxiety, a poor job, never getting the “thing” accomplished, or forgetting it even existed.

There are so many ways to procrastinate. Do any of these sound familiar:

  • I’m tired,
  • I’m hungry,
  • I’m not in the mood,
  • I just want to finish this chapter.

Or, maybe you have better sounding excuses like:

  • I have other things to do,
  • This is low on my priority list,
  • My child broke a bone.

“In times of great winds, some build bunkers and others build windmills.”

Then there are the excuses we don’t like to say out loud:

  • I don’t know how,
  • I’m scared,
  • It’s too hard,
  • I don’t want to.

There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “in times of great winds, some build bunkers and others build windmills.” Bunkers can be good – they provide protection. Windmills, on the other hand, provide opportunity. The question becomes, when you are in the next windstorm, are you going to try to keep the bad – and good – out, or are you going to create an opportunity?

So how will you approach 2022? Are you looking for any improvements? Think Goals rather than resolutions. Have you plans? Start dates? Support?

Let me know if I can be of assistance. 😊

– Sydney Metrick