Paper, Paper Everywhere?

Are you inundated with piles of paper? Do you have notes on various pieces of paper? Bills? Lists? Notices? Documents? With so much coming in on a regular basis, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.

But it’s also nearly as easy to create paper systems.

  • When paper comes in, determine if it’s trash (toss or shred), information to keep, or something that needs action.
  • Get file folders in different colors. These are where you will separate and keep important papers.
  • How about colored pads for different lists? You’ll want the colors to match the file categories as much as possible.
  • Are there due dates on any of the papers? These are your action items. Put both the start dates and the due dates in your calendar.
  • Keep a “Master Pad” that is your go-to source for your To Do list. Check it often and check off when “to do’s” are done.

It’s great to have a file box or file cabinet. Use it. Create a habit of reviewing your lists, calendar, and notes daily.

You can use similar systems with information that comes electronically.

  • You have a delete button.
  • You can create folders and file messages you want to keep.
  • You can label (and color code) messages.
  • You can set up rules to do all of those things automatically.

-Sydney Metrick