Reviewing 2022

Those of us with ADHD or who are in some way not neurotypical, tend to look at what we “should have done” or how we “should have been.” Rather than “shoulding” yourself over things in the past, why not learn from it?

Give yourself some time to review the past year. Look at all your wins, all the things that went well, all you’re proud of. Give yourself a much-deserved pat on the back, do your happy dance, or otherwise celebrate the good.

Also, look at the things that have fallen into your “should” category. Think about what you could do differently in a future similar situation that could lead to successes. Avoid self-criticism, you are teaching yourself how to be better!

With what you now know of your strengths and challenges, what have you learned that can make 2023 a better year for you? For example:

  • If you struggle with inattention, what is one thing that can help you with focus?
  • If impulsivity is a problem, what can the little voice in your head have as a mantra to slow you down?
  • Overwhelmed? Can you practice prioritizing and blocking time for important things?

There is no failure as long as it brings you closer to a future success.